ابناؤنا في الخارج

  • Gender: Female
  • Born on: November 11
  • Profile type: Teacher
  • Subject: arabic
  • Teacher Licenses by Fields: arabic

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Recent Activities

  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    Erdogan describes it as a "terrorist state" and claims to have committed "genocide" in Gaza
    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attacked Israel, describing it as a “terrorist state” and accused it, through his speech before the mandate, of committing war crimes and violating international law in Gaza, and he expressed his view that the Hamas movement is not a terrorist organization. This coincided with the acquisition of the army operating in the large hospital. In the sector.
    Turkish Presi...  more
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    Human Rights, the United Nations, the Security Council, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty have all proven to be tools of legal cover for Israel’s crimes of murder and genocide.
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    Urgent: Gaza Now correspondent: We have lost contact with the entire medical staff inside the Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza, and we do not know what is happening there now, and we ask God for safety for them.
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    The Israelis deliberately cut off fuel from Dar Al-Shifa Hospital to kill children
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    Urgent: Muhammad Zaqout, Director General of Hospitals in the Gaza Strip: The Israeli occupation army stormed Al-Shifa Hospital and entered the “basement” of the hospital and did not find anything. He is now going up to all the floors, confirming that the hospital is civilian, and he will not be surprised if the Israeli occupation makes a new false film, as it did in Al-Rantisi and Hamad, and brings up “baby feeding” and says that the hospital is being used for military matters.
    Pointing out t...  more
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    Urgent: Gaza Now correspondent: An hour has passed since the Nazi occupation occupied Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
    The Gaza Now correspondent added, "The distinguished occupation fired live bullets at the hospital without causing any damage," which caused panic among the patients.
    The Nazi occupation soldiers stormed all the patients' rooms, and broke into the hospital's basement, without finding anything but medical equipment.
    He is famous for raiding the medical complex buildings by smoking t...  more
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    في الوقت الحاضر، ما مجموعه 28 دولة من الدول الأعضاء في منظمة الأمم المتحدة لا تعترف بدولة إسرائيل: 15 دولة عضو في جامعة الدول العربية: الجزائر، وجزر القمر، وجيبوتي، والعراق، والكويت، ولبنان، وليبيا، وعمان، وقطر، والسعودية، والصومال، وسوريا، وتونس، واليمن وموريتانيا؛ كذلك 10 عضواً في منظمة التعاون الإسلامي: أفغانستان، وبنغلادش، وبروناي، وإندونيسيا، وإيران، وماليزيا، ومالي، والنيجر، وباكستان والمالديف. كما هناك بلدان أخرى لا تعترف بإسرائيل أو علقت علاقاتها منها فنزويلا، وكوبا، وكوريا الشمالية.
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    Israel’s ‘war against Gaza’s children’ explained
    More than 100 children have been killed every day since Israel started bombing the besieged Palestinian enclave on October 7.

    One child is killed every 15 minutes in the Israeli bombings of Gaza, according to a Palestinian NGO, highlighting the toll the current war has exacted on children.

    More than 100 children have been killed every day since Israel started bombing the besieged Palestinian enclave on October 7 in the wake of the deadly Hamas ...  more
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    Why is Israel brutally killing children in Gaza?
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    The large number of deaths of civilians and children is due to the Zionist gang, Israel, in Gaza
  • ابناؤنا في الخارج
    سبحان الله وبحمدة سبحان الله العظيم
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